Water Resources

Helping you carefully manage your water resources is one of our core missions. Let us help you make sense of the complex world of California water.
Here are some of our typical work products:
- Agricultural water availability analysis
- Aquatic vegetation management in ponds, reservoirs, lakes and canals
- Aquatic invasive aquatic animal (quagga mussel) control
- Aquatic Pesticide Application Plan (APAP) Preparation
- Bathymetry studies to assess storage and siltation
- Biological assessments for critical habitat areas & special status species
- CDFW Streambed Alteration Agreements (1600 & Routine Maintenance Agreements)
- CDFA State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP) Grant Preparation
- CEQA Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Support & Initial Study Preparation
- Critical Habitat Area and Special Status Species Assessments
- Drone Reconnaissance and Survey
- Flood Channel Assessment and Planning
- Dye Flow Studies
- Environmental Fate & Transport Modeling & Analysis
- Erosion Control and Slope Stabilization
- Groundwater recharge analysis
- Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) assessment and management
- Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) Compliance Support
- Irrigation efficiency and suitability analysis
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plans
- Lake, Pond, and Reservoir Management Plans
- NPDES Aquatic Pesticide Permits for Aquatic Weeds and Invasive Aquatic Animals
- Pre- and post- construction biological monitoring
- Vegetation management planning to mitigate flood risk and fire fuel reduction
- Pest Control Advisor (PCA) recommendations for vegetation control
- Pond Bathymetry and Volume Surveys
- Pyrethroid Management Plan (PMP) Development
- Reclaimed and Recycled Water Analysis
- RWQCB 401 Water Quality Certification and WDRs
- SB-88 Compliance Support
- Sediment and Erosion Control Plans (SECP)
- State Implementation Plan (SIP) Exception for the Use of Copper and Acrolein
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for industrial and construction sites
- Vegetation Management Cost and Efficacy Analysis
- Water Rights Investigations and Documentation
- Water Quality Studies
- Waters of the US (WOTUS) Rule Guidance
Please see some of our other Water Resource services in Natural Resource Management.
Plus, you may need assistance with Training and Permitting and Compliance support to get a successful project outcome. We’re happy to assist.
Highlighted Work
Efficient Irrigation and Flood Control Water Conveyance
Our team of biologists devise ways to control vegetation so that your water goes where you want it without loss or damage to infrastructure. And, for drinking water reservoirs, we help make the water taste good.